Deleted Verses
Some hymns in the 1987 edition have fewer verses than older publications. The following verse & chorus deletions have been identified, some of which predate publication of Hymns Old & New:
6 When I Survey the Wondrous CrossInserted after V 3 in some editions:4 His dying crimson like a robeSpreads o'er his body on the tree;Then am I dead to all the globe,And all the globe is dead to me.
10 Jesus Now And Jesus EverOriginal Vs 3-6 substituted with new Vs 3-4 (author unknown) and other word changes.3 Jesus is our Sanctifier, Saving us from self and sin,And with all His Spirit’s fulness, Filling all our hearts within.4 Jesus only is our Healer, All our sicknesses He bare,And His risen life and fulness, All His members still may share.5 Jesus only is our Power, He the gift of Pentecost;Jesus, breathe Thy pow’r upon us, Fill us with the Holy Ghost.6 And for Jesus we are waiting, List’ning for the Advent Call;But ’twill still be Jesus only, Jesus ever, all in all.
15 Oh, Blessed Rest Of HeartOriginal V6 has been substituted by a new V6.6 Now open wide your heart, Refuse not Jesus room;Admit him now, He’ll give you rest, And bring eternal noon.
16 Yesterday, Today, ForeverOriginal Vs 3&5 not included.3 Him who pardoned erring Peter, Never needst thou fear;He that came to faithless Thomas, All thy doubt will clear.He who let the loved disciple, On His bosom rest,Bids thee still with love as tender, Lean upon His breast.5 As of old He walk’d to Emmaus, With them to abide;So thro’ all life’s way He walketh, Ever near our side.Soon again shall we behold Him, Hasten Lord the day!But ‘twill still be “this same Jesus,” As He went away.
17 Wash Me From SinOriginal V3 not included.3 Wash me, O Lamb of God, Wash me from sin!I will not, cannot rest Till pure within.All human skill is vain, But Thou canst cleanse each stainTill not a spot remain Made wholly clean.
22 Is it Nothing to YouSpecial Chorus to be sung after last verse:::Oh What will you do::At the great judgement day you will meet himOh say it is nothing to you.
23 Oh, The Love That Sought MeOriginal vs 2&4 not included.2 He washed the bleeding sin wounds, And poured in oil and wine;He whispered to assure me “I’ve found thee thou art Mine;”I never heard a sweeter voice, It made my aching heart rejoice!4 I’m sitting in His presence, The sunshine of His face,While with adoring wonder, His blessings I retrace.It seems as if eternal days Are far too short to sound his praise.
24 From Every StainOriginal V5 not included.5 A heart by blood made clean, In ev’ry wish and thought;A heart that by God’s pow’r has been Into subjection brought.To walk, to weep, to sing, Within the lights of heav’n;This is the blessing, Saviour, King, That Thou to me hast given.
25 Jesus, I My Cross Have TakenOriginal Vs 5-7 not included.5 Oh! ‘tis not in grief to harm me, While Thy love is left to me.Oh! ‘twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy apart from Thee.6 Here I find my full salvation, Freed from self, the world, and sin,Though assailed by fierce temptation, Jesus keeps me pure within.7 With His spirit dwelling in me, With His smile to be my light,Through His love who died to win me, I shall conquer in the fight.
26 Thy Life Was Given For MeOriginal Vs 3-4 not included.3 Thy Father’s home of light, Thy rainbow circled throne,Were left for earthly night, For wand’rings sad and lone;Yea all was left for me; Have I left aught for Thee?4 Thou, Lord, has borne for me – More than my tongue can tellOf bitt’rest agony, To rescue me from hell;Thou suff’redst all for me; What have I borne for Thee?
48 Abundant LifeOriginal Vs 3-4 not included; new V3 added.3 Leaving the mountain, the streamlet grows, Flooding the vale with a river;So, from the hill of the Cross, there flows Life “more abundant” for ever.4 Oh, for the showers* on the thirsty land! Oh for a mighty revival! [*floods in some versions]Oh for a sanctified, fearless band, Ready to hail its arrival!
54 So Kind A ShepherdThis hymn originally contained 4 long or 8 shorter verses.1 Was there ever kindest shepherdHalf so gentle, half so sweet,As the Saviour who would have usCome and gather round His feet?It is God; His love looks mighty,But is mightier than it seems:'Tis our Father, and His kindnessGoes out far beyond our dreams.2 There's a wideness in God's mercy,Like the wideness of the sea;There's a kindness in His justice,Which is more that libertyThere is welcome for the sinnerAnd more graces for the goodThere is mercy with the SaviourThere is healing in His blood[Alternative version of V2 last 4 linesThere is no place where earth’s sorrowsAre more felt than up in heav’n;There is no place where earth’s failingsHave such kindly judgment giv’n.3 For the love of God is broaderThan the measures of man's mind,And the heart of the EternalIs most wonderfully kind:But we make His love too narrowBy false limits of our own,And we magnify His strictnessWith a zeal He will not own.4 There is plentiful redemptionIn the blood that has been shed;There is joy for all the membersIn the sorrows of the Head.If our love were but more simple,We should take Him at His word;And our lives would be all sunshineIn the sweetness of our Lord.
90 A Hand Held OutOriginal Vs2-3 not included. New Vs 3-4 added (author unknown).2 Oh, how gently will it lead us! Oh, how tender is its touch!‘Tis the blessed hand of Jesus; We all need it, oh so much!3 Yes, ‘tis love to me, a sinner, Prompts this hand to reach so low,Striving thus to be the winner, Ere I reap what I shall sow.
95 God Calling YetOriginal vs2&4 not included.2 God calling yet! Shall I not rise?Can I His loving voice despise,And basely His kind care repay?He calls me still; can I delay?4 Ah, yield Him all; in Him confide;Where but with Him doth peace abide?Break loose, let earthly bonds be riven,And let the spirit rise to heaven.
108 It Pays to Serve JesusOriginal chorus now omitted:I know it pays, to serve Jesus the best,I know that in serving, our lives here are blestI’ll serve Him with gladness, all else may be lost.I’ll live for the Saviour, I’ve counted the cost.116 There Is RestOriginal Vs 4-5 not included4 The door is still open He's pleading once moreRedeemed you have been not with goldThe blood of the Lamb without blemish was shedTo secure you a place in the fold5 Beware lest His spirit should strive nevermoreThe door will be shut we are toldIn vain you will knock, at your fear He will mockAnd reply , there is room in the fold.
117 Distant Land Of FamineInstead of the chorus, the original hymn 'My Welcome' had 4 further verses.4 Put them on me—robes of glory,Spotless as the heavens above;Not to meet my thoughts of fitness,But His wondrous thoughts of love.Then within His home He led me,Brought me where the feast was spread,Made me eat with Him, my Father,I, who begged for bondsman's bread!5 Not a suppliant at His gateway,But a son within His home;To the love, the joy, the singing,To the glory I am come.Gathered round that wondrous temple,Filled with awe His Angels seeGlory lighting up the Holiest,In that glory Him and me.6 There He dwells, in me rejoicingLove resplendent in His Face—There I dwell, in Him rejoicing,None but I can know His grace.To His blessed inner chamber,Ground no other foot can tread,He has brought the lost and found one,Him who liveth, and was dead.7 This the ransomed sinner's story,All the Father's heart made known—All His grace to me the sinner,Told by judgment on His Son—Told by Him from depths of anguish,All the Father's love for me,By the curse, the cross, the darkness,Measuring what that love must be.
118 Ye Must Be Born AgainOriginal V4 not included.4 A dear one in heaven thy heart yearns to see,At the beautiful gates may be watching for thee;Then list to the note of this solemn refrain,“Ye must be born again, again.”
129 When The Saviour CallsThe chorus has been omitted.Will we be ready our Lord to meet,When we appear at the judgement seat?Will we then be cloth’d with garments white?Will our lamps be trimmed and all burning bright?
137 Out Of ChristThis hymn is a combination of verses 1&2 from a 3 verse hymn written by Frank Davis and verses 3&4 which were written by Robert F Beveridge.3 Out of Christ without a Saviour, No help nor refuge nigh;How can you, my friend and brother, Dare to live or dare to die?
158 Just As I AmOriginal Vs 2,3 &7 not included.2 Just as I am, and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot,To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come!3 Just as I am, tho’ toss’d about, With many a conflict many a doubt.Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come!7 Just as I am, of that free love, The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,Here for a season, then above, O Lamb of God, I come!
165 I Am Trusting TheeV3 has not been included.3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing, In the crimson flood;Trusting Thee to make me holy, By thy blood.
170 Abide With MeOriginal V5 not included.5 Keep Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes,Shine thro’ the gloom, and point me to the skies:Heav’ns morning breaks and earth’s vain shadows flee;In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
175 Come Ye Yourselves ApartOriginal V4 not included.4 Come ye and rest! The journey is too great,And ye will faint beside the way and sink;The bread of life is here for you to eat,And here for you the wine of love to drink.
197 Teach Me to Pray, LordThe original verse 3 has been omitted.My weakened will, Lord, Thou canst renew;My sinful nature Thou canst subdue;Fill me just now with power anew;Power to pray and power to do!
208 Our Blest RedeemerOriginal V6 not included.6 O praise the Father; praise the Son;Blest Spirit, praise to Thee;All praise to God, the Three in one,The One in Three.
225 Lord, Speak To MeOriginal V5 not included.5 Oh, fill me with Thy fullness, Lord,Until my very heart o’erflowIn kindling thought, and glowing word,Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.
238 O Bless the Lord, My SoulOriginally written as 6 short verses but now excludes 2 original verses.4 He crowns thy life with love,When ransom’d from the grave,He that redeem’d my soul from hell,Hath sovereign power to save.6 His wondrous works and waysHe made by Moses known;But sent the world His truth and grace,By His beloved Son.Verses 3 & 4 of the current version have been taken from another hymn by I Watts: “My Soul, Repeat His Praise”.
240 We Thank Thee, Lord, For Weary DaysThe original hymn 'Companionship' had 10 short verses so some words have not been included between the 1st and 2nd half of verse 3.6 We know Him as we could not knowThrough Heaven's golden years;We there shall see His glorious Face,But Mary saw His tears.7 The touch that heals the broken heartIs never felt above;His Angels know His blessedness,His way-worn saints His love.
247 How Sweet It IsOriginal V4 not included.4 How sweet, when self and things remote Are lost, and utterly forgot,And all our cares depart, How sweet, beyond all time and placeA still eternity to trace, Within our inmost heart.
10 Jesus Now And Jesus EverOriginal Vs 3-6 substituted with new Vs 3-4 (author unknown) and other word changes.3 Jesus is our Sanctifier, Saving us from self and sin,And with all His Spirit’s fulness, Filling all our hearts within.4 Jesus only is our Healer, All our sicknesses He bare,And His risen life and fulness, All His members still may share.5 Jesus only is our Power, He the gift of Pentecost;Jesus, breathe Thy pow’r upon us, Fill us with the Holy Ghost.6 And for Jesus we are waiting, List’ning for the Advent Call;But ’twill still be Jesus only, Jesus ever, all in all.
15 Oh, Blessed Rest Of HeartOriginal V6 has been substituted by a new V6.6 Now open wide your heart, Refuse not Jesus room;Admit him now, He’ll give you rest, And bring eternal noon.
16 Yesterday, Today, ForeverOriginal Vs 3&5 not included.3 Him who pardoned erring Peter, Never needst thou fear;He that came to faithless Thomas, All thy doubt will clear.He who let the loved disciple, On His bosom rest,Bids thee still with love as tender, Lean upon His breast.5 As of old He walk’d to Emmaus, With them to abide;So thro’ all life’s way He walketh, Ever near our side.Soon again shall we behold Him, Hasten Lord the day!But ‘twill still be “this same Jesus,” As He went away.
17 Wash Me From SinOriginal V3 not included.3 Wash me, O Lamb of God, Wash me from sin!I will not, cannot rest Till pure within.All human skill is vain, But Thou canst cleanse each stainTill not a spot remain Made wholly clean.
22 Is it Nothing to YouSpecial Chorus to be sung after last verse:::Oh What will you do::At the great judgement day you will meet himOh say it is nothing to you.
23 Oh, The Love That Sought MeOriginal vs 2&4 not included.2 He washed the bleeding sin wounds, And poured in oil and wine;He whispered to assure me “I’ve found thee thou art Mine;”I never heard a sweeter voice, It made my aching heart rejoice!4 I’m sitting in His presence, The sunshine of His face,While with adoring wonder, His blessings I retrace.It seems as if eternal days Are far too short to sound his praise.
24 From Every StainOriginal V5 not included.5 A heart by blood made clean, In ev’ry wish and thought;A heart that by God’s pow’r has been Into subjection brought.To walk, to weep, to sing, Within the lights of heav’n;This is the blessing, Saviour, King, That Thou to me hast given.
25 Jesus, I My Cross Have TakenOriginal Vs 5-7 not included.5 Oh! ‘tis not in grief to harm me, While Thy love is left to me.Oh! ‘twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy apart from Thee.6 Here I find my full salvation, Freed from self, the world, and sin,Though assailed by fierce temptation, Jesus keeps me pure within.7 With His spirit dwelling in me, With His smile to be my light,Through His love who died to win me, I shall conquer in the fight.
26 Thy Life Was Given For MeOriginal Vs 3-4 not included.3 Thy Father’s home of light, Thy rainbow circled throne,Were left for earthly night, For wand’rings sad and lone;Yea all was left for me; Have I left aught for Thee?4 Thou, Lord, has borne for me – More than my tongue can tellOf bitt’rest agony, To rescue me from hell;Thou suff’redst all for me; What have I borne for Thee?
48 Abundant LifeOriginal Vs 3-4 not included; new V3 added.3 Leaving the mountain, the streamlet grows, Flooding the vale with a river;So, from the hill of the Cross, there flows Life “more abundant” for ever.4 Oh, for the showers* on the thirsty land! Oh for a mighty revival! [*floods in some versions]Oh for a sanctified, fearless band, Ready to hail its arrival!
54 So Kind A ShepherdThis hymn originally contained 4 long or 8 shorter verses.1 Was there ever kindest shepherdHalf so gentle, half so sweet,As the Saviour who would have usCome and gather round His feet?It is God; His love looks mighty,But is mightier than it seems:'Tis our Father, and His kindnessGoes out far beyond our dreams.2 There's a wideness in God's mercy,Like the wideness of the sea;There's a kindness in His justice,Which is more that libertyThere is welcome for the sinnerAnd more graces for the goodThere is mercy with the SaviourThere is healing in His blood[Alternative version of V2 last 4 linesThere is no place where earth’s sorrowsAre more felt than up in heav’n;There is no place where earth’s failingsHave such kindly judgment giv’n.3 For the love of God is broaderThan the measures of man's mind,And the heart of the EternalIs most wonderfully kind:But we make His love too narrowBy false limits of our own,And we magnify His strictnessWith a zeal He will not own.4 There is plentiful redemptionIn the blood that has been shed;There is joy for all the membersIn the sorrows of the Head.If our love were but more simple,We should take Him at His word;And our lives would be all sunshineIn the sweetness of our Lord.
90 A Hand Held OutOriginal Vs2-3 not included. New Vs 3-4 added (author unknown).2 Oh, how gently will it lead us! Oh, how tender is its touch!‘Tis the blessed hand of Jesus; We all need it, oh so much!3 Yes, ‘tis love to me, a sinner, Prompts this hand to reach so low,Striving thus to be the winner, Ere I reap what I shall sow.
95 God Calling YetOriginal vs2&4 not included.2 God calling yet! Shall I not rise?Can I His loving voice despise,And basely His kind care repay?He calls me still; can I delay?4 Ah, yield Him all; in Him confide;Where but with Him doth peace abide?Break loose, let earthly bonds be riven,And let the spirit rise to heaven.
108 It Pays to Serve JesusOriginal chorus now omitted:I know it pays, to serve Jesus the best,I know that in serving, our lives here are blestI’ll serve Him with gladness, all else may be lost.I’ll live for the Saviour, I’ve counted the cost.116 There Is RestOriginal Vs 4-5 not included4 The door is still open He's pleading once moreRedeemed you have been not with goldThe blood of the Lamb without blemish was shedTo secure you a place in the fold5 Beware lest His spirit should strive nevermoreThe door will be shut we are toldIn vain you will knock, at your fear He will mockAnd reply , there is room in the fold.
117 Distant Land Of FamineInstead of the chorus, the original hymn 'My Welcome' had 4 further verses.4 Put them on me—robes of glory,Spotless as the heavens above;Not to meet my thoughts of fitness,But His wondrous thoughts of love.Then within His home He led me,Brought me where the feast was spread,Made me eat with Him, my Father,I, who begged for bondsman's bread!5 Not a suppliant at His gateway,But a son within His home;To the love, the joy, the singing,To the glory I am come.Gathered round that wondrous temple,Filled with awe His Angels seeGlory lighting up the Holiest,In that glory Him and me.6 There He dwells, in me rejoicingLove resplendent in His Face—There I dwell, in Him rejoicing,None but I can know His grace.To His blessed inner chamber,Ground no other foot can tread,He has brought the lost and found one,Him who liveth, and was dead.7 This the ransomed sinner's story,All the Father's heart made known—All His grace to me the sinner,Told by judgment on His Son—Told by Him from depths of anguish,All the Father's love for me,By the curse, the cross, the darkness,Measuring what that love must be.
118 Ye Must Be Born AgainOriginal V4 not included.4 A dear one in heaven thy heart yearns to see,At the beautiful gates may be watching for thee;Then list to the note of this solemn refrain,“Ye must be born again, again.”
129 When The Saviour CallsThe chorus has been omitted.Will we be ready our Lord to meet,When we appear at the judgement seat?Will we then be cloth’d with garments white?Will our lamps be trimmed and all burning bright?
137 Out Of ChristThis hymn is a combination of verses 1&2 from a 3 verse hymn written by Frank Davis and verses 3&4 which were written by Robert F Beveridge.3 Out of Christ without a Saviour, No help nor refuge nigh;How can you, my friend and brother, Dare to live or dare to die?
158 Just As I AmOriginal Vs 2,3 &7 not included.2 Just as I am, and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot,To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come!3 Just as I am, tho’ toss’d about, With many a conflict many a doubt.Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come!7 Just as I am, of that free love, The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,Here for a season, then above, O Lamb of God, I come!
165 I Am Trusting TheeV3 has not been included.3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing, In the crimson flood;Trusting Thee to make me holy, By thy blood.
170 Abide With MeOriginal V5 not included.5 Keep Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes,Shine thro’ the gloom, and point me to the skies:Heav’ns morning breaks and earth’s vain shadows flee;In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
175 Come Ye Yourselves ApartOriginal V4 not included.4 Come ye and rest! The journey is too great,And ye will faint beside the way and sink;The bread of life is here for you to eat,And here for you the wine of love to drink.
197 Teach Me to Pray, LordThe original verse 3 has been omitted.My weakened will, Lord, Thou canst renew;My sinful nature Thou canst subdue;Fill me just now with power anew;Power to pray and power to do!
208 Our Blest RedeemerOriginal V6 not included.6 O praise the Father; praise the Son;Blest Spirit, praise to Thee;All praise to God, the Three in one,The One in Three.
225 Lord, Speak To MeOriginal V5 not included.5 Oh, fill me with Thy fullness, Lord,Until my very heart o’erflowIn kindling thought, and glowing word,Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.
238 O Bless the Lord, My SoulOriginally written as 6 short verses but now excludes 2 original verses.4 He crowns thy life with love,When ransom’d from the grave,He that redeem’d my soul from hell,Hath sovereign power to save.6 His wondrous works and waysHe made by Moses known;But sent the world His truth and grace,By His beloved Son.Verses 3 & 4 of the current version have been taken from another hymn by I Watts: “My Soul, Repeat His Praise”.
240 We Thank Thee, Lord, For Weary DaysThe original hymn 'Companionship' had 10 short verses so some words have not been included between the 1st and 2nd half of verse 3.6 We know Him as we could not knowThrough Heaven's golden years;We there shall see His glorious Face,But Mary saw His tears.7 The touch that heals the broken heartIs never felt above;His Angels know His blessedness,His way-worn saints His love.
247 How Sweet It IsOriginal V4 not included.4 How sweet, when self and things remote Are lost, and utterly forgot,And all our cares depart, How sweet, beyond all time and placeA still eternity to trace, Within our inmost heart.
256 Speak, LordOriginal Vs 4&8 not included.4 Satiate my being, With Thy fullness fill;As the dew descending, Let Thy speech distil.8 Like a watered garden Full of fragrance rare,Lingering in Thy presence Let my life appear.
263 Thou Sweet, Beloved WillThe original hymn did not have v3-5 but instead had 6 other verses.3 God’s Will doth make the bitter sweet,And all is well when it is done;Unless His Will doth hallow it,The glory of all joy is gone.4 Self, Sense, and Reason, they may scornThat hidden way that leads on high—Still be my deepest will uptorn,And so the power of Nature die.5 And if in gloom I see Thee not,I lean upon Thy love unknown—In me Thy blessed Will is wrought,If I will nothing of my own.6 O spirit of a little child,Of will bereft, untroubled, pure,I seek thy glory undefiled;Lord, take my will, Thy love is sure.7 O Will of God, my soul’s desire,My Bread of life in want and pain;O Will of God, my guiding fire,Unite my will to Thine again.8 O Will, in me Thy work be done,For time, and for eternity—Give joy or sorrow, all are oneTo that blest soul that loveth Thee.
271 I Know Not WhyOriginal V4 not included.4 I know not what of good or ill May be reserv’d for me,Of weary ways or golden days Before His face I see.
294 A Life Of OvercomingOriginal V3 not included.3 Then from thy life ascending One triumph note of praise,(For they who always conquer A victor’s song must raise,)Shall echo on unceasing Till Satan’s host doth fleeBefore our glorious watchword “Lord victory for me.”
304 Come, Brothers, OnThe original hymn 'Pilgrim Song' did not have V4 & had 3 other verses.1 Come, children, on and forward!With us the Father goes;He leads us, and He guards usThrough thousands of our foes:The sweetness and the glory,The sunlight of His eyes,Make all the desert placesTo glow as paradise.2 Lo! through the pathless midnightThe fiery pillar leads,And onward goes the ShepherdBefore the flock He feeds;Unquestioning, unfearing,The lambs may follow on,In quietness and confidence,Their eyes on Him alone.3 Come, children, on and forward!We journey hand in hand,And each shall cheer his brotherAll through the stranger land;And hosts of God's high angelsBeside us walk in white;What wonder if our singingMake music through the night?4 Come, children, on and forward!Each hour nearer home!The pilgrim days speed onward,And soon the last will come.All hail! O golden city!How near the shining towers!Fair gleams our Father's palace:That radiant home is ours.5 On! dare and suffer all things!Yet but a stretch of road,Then wondrous words of welcome,And then the Face of God.The world, how small and empty!Our eyes have looked on Him;The mighty Sun has risen,The taper burneth dim.6 Far through the depths of HeavenOur Jesus leads His own,The Mightiest, the Fairest,Christ ever, Christ alone.Led captive by His sweetness,And dowered with His bliss,For ever He is ours,For ever we are His.
305 Lo, We Can TreadThe original hymn 'Pilgrim Song' did not have verse 3 but had 5 other verses.1 On, O beloved children,The evening is at hand,And desolate and fearfulThe solitary land.Take heart! the rest eternalAwaits our weary feet;From strength to strength press onwards,The end, how passing sweet!2 Lo, we can tread rejoicingThe narrow pilgrim road;We know the voice that calls us,We know our faithful God.Come, children, on to glory!With every face set fastTowards the golden towersWhere we shall rest at last.3 It was with voice of singingWe left the land of night,To pass in glorious musicFar onward out of sight.O children, was it sorrow?Though thousand worlds be lost,Our eyes have looked on Jesus,And thus we count the cost.4 The praising and the blaming,The storehouse and the mart,The mourning and the feasting,The glory and the art,The wisdom and the cunning,Left far amid the gloom;We may not look behind us,For we are going home.5 Across the will of natureLeads on the path of God;Not where the flesh delightethThe feet of Jesus trod.O bliss to leave behind usThe fetters of the slave,To leave ourselves behind us,The grave-clothes and the grave!6 To speed, unburdened pilgrims,Glad, empty-handed, free;To cross the trackless deserts,And walk upon the sea;As strangers among strangers,No home beneath the sun;How soon the wanderings ended,The endless rest begun!7 We pass the children playing,For evening shades fall fast;We pass the wayside flowers--God's Paradise at last!If now the path be narrowAnd steep and rough and lone,If crags and tangles cross it,Praise God! we will go on.8 We follow in His footsteps;What if our feet be torn?Where He has marked the pathwayAll hail the briar and thorn!Scarce seen, scarce heard, unreckoned,Despised, defamed, unknown,Or heard but by our singing,On, children! ever on!
307 I Will Follow My Saviour1935 edition had 5 verses.3 God will make me like Jesus as I now obey,And His deep hidden myst’ries will show,He reveals them to all who will suffer with Him,His own precious word tells me so.
313 Where All is PeacefulOriginal had 7 verses4 In Him my troubled heart is stilledIllusive things of earthHave faded now and He has filledMy soul with joy and mirth.7 What joy to worship at HIs feetWithin the heavenly placeWith all the faithful there to meetAnd see the Saviour's face.
314 O Give Me RestOriginal V6 not included.6 Work on, the, Lord, till on my soul! Eternal light shall break,And in Thy stillness perfected, I “satisfied” shall wake.
326 When Sore AfflictionChorus now omitted.Then fainting not I press alongThe path where He has gone beforeThe blood-stained path which leads to God,To heaven and home for evermore.
327 He Who Hath LedChorus now deleted.::He loveth always, faileth never,So rest on Him today forever::
334 Through The NightOriginal Vs 7-8 not included.7 Onward, therefore, pilgrim brothers,Onward with the Cross our aid!Bear its shame and fight its battle,Till we rest beneath its shade.8 Soon shall come the great awakening,Soon the rending of the tomb;Then the scattering of the shadows,And the end of toil and gloom.
351 God In HeavenOriginal hymn 'Light of a Stone Most Precious' has 7 verses with 3 other verses between v1 & v2.2 Christ, the light that fills the heavensShining forth on earth beneath,Through His Spirit freely givenLight of life midst shades of death;Down from heaven's unclouded gloryGod Himself the treasure brought,Closing thus His love's sweet storyWith His sweetest, deepest thought.3 God, in tongues of fire descending,Chosen vessels thus to fillWith the treasure never ending,Ever spent-unfailing still.Still unwasted, undiminishedThough the days of dearth wear on,Store eternally unfinished--Fresh, as if but now begun.4 Earthen vessels, marred, unsightly,But the treasure as of old,Fresh from glory, gleaming brightly,Heaven's undimmed, unchanging gold.God's own hand the vessel fillingFrom the glory far above,Longing hearts for ever stillingWith those riches of His love.
378 In All My Vast Concerns With TheeOriginal verses 6-10 no longer included:6 Lord, where shall guilty souls retire,Forgotten and unknown!In hell they meet thy dreadful fire,In heaven they glorious throne.7 Should I suppress my vital breath,To ‘scape the wrath divine.They voice would break the bars of death,And make the grave resign.8 If wing’d with beams of morning light,I fly beyond the west,Thy hand, which must support my flight,Would soon betray my rest.9 If o’er my sins I think to draw,The curtains of the night,Those flaming eyes that guard thy law,Wou’d turn the shades to light.10 The beams of noon, the midnight-hourAre both alike to thee:O may I ne’er provoke that powerFrom which I cannot flee!
382 A Broken Contrite HeartThe chorus has been omitted.All the yearnings of our hearts Shall one day come to light;If we sow like Jesus In the Father’s might,The fruit we bear will stand the test, And be among His jewelsAnd our record left on earth Will bear no trace of blight.
383 He Knows Our HeartsThe chorus has been omitted.He knows our hearts, let us keep them pure,And show forth His continued care;Abiding so His hand can lead and workAnd seal all the fruit we bear.
384 Cleansing For MeOriginal V2 not included.2 From all the sins over which I have wept, Cleansing for me.Far, far away, by the Blood current swept, Cleansing for me.Jesus, Thy promise I dare to believe, And as I come Thou dost now receive,That over sin I may never more grieve, Cleansing for me.
389 The Way To CalvaryThe 1935 edition had 6 verses, the 1951 edition had 4 verses, now reduced to 3 verses with a new title and wording changes.1 As humbly we prepare our hearts to seek thy face,Admitting Christ to dwell within, and save us by His grace.2 The way to Calvary unflinchingly He trod,Between two thieves, so cruelly hung, Jesus the Lamb of God.3 Upheld to scorn and shame, as darkness filled the sky;O Father why forsakes Me? How bitter was His cry.4 The sins of all the world were on His shoulders laid,He bowed His blood stained head and died: the ransom price was paid.5 Our sins are washed away in His own precious blood;We plead for grace and strength to serve and love Him as we should.6 Oh, Lord, receive us now, Christ’s blood-bought ones are we,As lowly at Thy feet we bow, in deep humility.
408 No ReputationVs 4&5 have been combined and revised4 No reputation and unrecognisedMisunderstood and by worldlings despisedGod understands me and bright overheadGlory illumes all the pathway I tread.5 No reputation yet onward I moveHis tender sympathy daily to proveHe understands me this thought will sufficeBearing his name I will ever rejoice.
263 Thou Sweet, Beloved WillThe original hymn did not have v3-5 but instead had 6 other verses.3 God’s Will doth make the bitter sweet,And all is well when it is done;Unless His Will doth hallow it,The glory of all joy is gone.4 Self, Sense, and Reason, they may scornThat hidden way that leads on high—Still be my deepest will uptorn,And so the power of Nature die.5 And if in gloom I see Thee not,I lean upon Thy love unknown—In me Thy blessed Will is wrought,If I will nothing of my own.6 O spirit of a little child,Of will bereft, untroubled, pure,I seek thy glory undefiled;Lord, take my will, Thy love is sure.7 O Will of God, my soul’s desire,My Bread of life in want and pain;O Will of God, my guiding fire,Unite my will to Thine again.8 O Will, in me Thy work be done,For time, and for eternity—Give joy or sorrow, all are oneTo that blest soul that loveth Thee.
271 I Know Not WhyOriginal V4 not included.4 I know not what of good or ill May be reserv’d for me,Of weary ways or golden days Before His face I see.
294 A Life Of OvercomingOriginal V3 not included.3 Then from thy life ascending One triumph note of praise,(For they who always conquer A victor’s song must raise,)Shall echo on unceasing Till Satan’s host doth fleeBefore our glorious watchword “Lord victory for me.”
304 Come, Brothers, OnThe original hymn 'Pilgrim Song' did not have V4 & had 3 other verses.1 Come, children, on and forward!With us the Father goes;He leads us, and He guards usThrough thousands of our foes:The sweetness and the glory,The sunlight of His eyes,Make all the desert placesTo glow as paradise.2 Lo! through the pathless midnightThe fiery pillar leads,And onward goes the ShepherdBefore the flock He feeds;Unquestioning, unfearing,The lambs may follow on,In quietness and confidence,Their eyes on Him alone.3 Come, children, on and forward!We journey hand in hand,And each shall cheer his brotherAll through the stranger land;And hosts of God's high angelsBeside us walk in white;What wonder if our singingMake music through the night?4 Come, children, on and forward!Each hour nearer home!The pilgrim days speed onward,And soon the last will come.All hail! O golden city!How near the shining towers!Fair gleams our Father's palace:That radiant home is ours.5 On! dare and suffer all things!Yet but a stretch of road,Then wondrous words of welcome,And then the Face of God.The world, how small and empty!Our eyes have looked on Him;The mighty Sun has risen,The taper burneth dim.6 Far through the depths of HeavenOur Jesus leads His own,The Mightiest, the Fairest,Christ ever, Christ alone.Led captive by His sweetness,And dowered with His bliss,For ever He is ours,For ever we are His.
305 Lo, We Can TreadThe original hymn 'Pilgrim Song' did not have verse 3 but had 5 other verses.1 On, O beloved children,The evening is at hand,And desolate and fearfulThe solitary land.Take heart! the rest eternalAwaits our weary feet;From strength to strength press onwards,The end, how passing sweet!2 Lo, we can tread rejoicingThe narrow pilgrim road;We know the voice that calls us,We know our faithful God.Come, children, on to glory!With every face set fastTowards the golden towersWhere we shall rest at last.3 It was with voice of singingWe left the land of night,To pass in glorious musicFar onward out of sight.O children, was it sorrow?Though thousand worlds be lost,Our eyes have looked on Jesus,And thus we count the cost.4 The praising and the blaming,The storehouse and the mart,The mourning and the feasting,The glory and the art,The wisdom and the cunning,Left far amid the gloom;We may not look behind us,For we are going home.5 Across the will of natureLeads on the path of God;Not where the flesh delightethThe feet of Jesus trod.O bliss to leave behind usThe fetters of the slave,To leave ourselves behind us,The grave-clothes and the grave!6 To speed, unburdened pilgrims,Glad, empty-handed, free;To cross the trackless deserts,And walk upon the sea;As strangers among strangers,No home beneath the sun;How soon the wanderings ended,The endless rest begun!7 We pass the children playing,For evening shades fall fast;We pass the wayside flowers--God's Paradise at last!If now the path be narrowAnd steep and rough and lone,If crags and tangles cross it,Praise God! we will go on.8 We follow in His footsteps;What if our feet be torn?Where He has marked the pathwayAll hail the briar and thorn!Scarce seen, scarce heard, unreckoned,Despised, defamed, unknown,Or heard but by our singing,On, children! ever on!
307 I Will Follow My Saviour1935 edition had 5 verses.3 God will make me like Jesus as I now obey,And His deep hidden myst’ries will show,He reveals them to all who will suffer with Him,His own precious word tells me so.
313 Where All is PeacefulOriginal had 7 verses4 In Him my troubled heart is stilledIllusive things of earthHave faded now and He has filledMy soul with joy and mirth.7 What joy to worship at HIs feetWithin the heavenly placeWith all the faithful there to meetAnd see the Saviour's face.
314 O Give Me RestOriginal V6 not included.6 Work on, the, Lord, till on my soul! Eternal light shall break,And in Thy stillness perfected, I “satisfied” shall wake.
326 When Sore AfflictionChorus now omitted.Then fainting not I press alongThe path where He has gone beforeThe blood-stained path which leads to God,To heaven and home for evermore.
327 He Who Hath LedChorus now deleted.::He loveth always, faileth never,So rest on Him today forever::
334 Through The NightOriginal Vs 7-8 not included.7 Onward, therefore, pilgrim brothers,Onward with the Cross our aid!Bear its shame and fight its battle,Till we rest beneath its shade.8 Soon shall come the great awakening,Soon the rending of the tomb;Then the scattering of the shadows,And the end of toil and gloom.
351 God In HeavenOriginal hymn 'Light of a Stone Most Precious' has 7 verses with 3 other verses between v1 & v2.2 Christ, the light that fills the heavensShining forth on earth beneath,Through His Spirit freely givenLight of life midst shades of death;Down from heaven's unclouded gloryGod Himself the treasure brought,Closing thus His love's sweet storyWith His sweetest, deepest thought.3 God, in tongues of fire descending,Chosen vessels thus to fillWith the treasure never ending,Ever spent-unfailing still.Still unwasted, undiminishedThough the days of dearth wear on,Store eternally unfinished--Fresh, as if but now begun.4 Earthen vessels, marred, unsightly,But the treasure as of old,Fresh from glory, gleaming brightly,Heaven's undimmed, unchanging gold.God's own hand the vessel fillingFrom the glory far above,Longing hearts for ever stillingWith those riches of His love.
378 In All My Vast Concerns With TheeOriginal verses 6-10 no longer included:6 Lord, where shall guilty souls retire,Forgotten and unknown!In hell they meet thy dreadful fire,In heaven they glorious throne.7 Should I suppress my vital breath,To ‘scape the wrath divine.They voice would break the bars of death,And make the grave resign.8 If wing’d with beams of morning light,I fly beyond the west,Thy hand, which must support my flight,Would soon betray my rest.9 If o’er my sins I think to draw,The curtains of the night,Those flaming eyes that guard thy law,Wou’d turn the shades to light.10 The beams of noon, the midnight-hourAre both alike to thee:O may I ne’er provoke that powerFrom which I cannot flee!
382 A Broken Contrite HeartThe chorus has been omitted.All the yearnings of our hearts Shall one day come to light;If we sow like Jesus In the Father’s might,The fruit we bear will stand the test, And be among His jewelsAnd our record left on earth Will bear no trace of blight.
383 He Knows Our HeartsThe chorus has been omitted.He knows our hearts, let us keep them pure,And show forth His continued care;Abiding so His hand can lead and workAnd seal all the fruit we bear.
384 Cleansing For MeOriginal V2 not included.2 From all the sins over which I have wept, Cleansing for me.Far, far away, by the Blood current swept, Cleansing for me.Jesus, Thy promise I dare to believe, And as I come Thou dost now receive,That over sin I may never more grieve, Cleansing for me.
389 The Way To CalvaryThe 1935 edition had 6 verses, the 1951 edition had 4 verses, now reduced to 3 verses with a new title and wording changes.1 As humbly we prepare our hearts to seek thy face,Admitting Christ to dwell within, and save us by His grace.2 The way to Calvary unflinchingly He trod,Between two thieves, so cruelly hung, Jesus the Lamb of God.3 Upheld to scorn and shame, as darkness filled the sky;O Father why forsakes Me? How bitter was His cry.4 The sins of all the world were on His shoulders laid,He bowed His blood stained head and died: the ransom price was paid.5 Our sins are washed away in His own precious blood;We plead for grace and strength to serve and love Him as we should.6 Oh, Lord, receive us now, Christ’s blood-bought ones are we,As lowly at Thy feet we bow, in deep humility.
408 No ReputationVs 4&5 have been combined and revised4 No reputation and unrecognisedMisunderstood and by worldlings despisedGod understands me and bright overheadGlory illumes all the pathway I tread.5 No reputation yet onward I moveHis tender sympathy daily to proveHe understands me this thought will sufficeBearing his name I will ever rejoice.